Evaluaciones médicas virtuales por ultrasonido / Virtual medical evaluations by ultrasound
Evaluaciones médicas virtuales por ultrasonido
Virtual medical evaluations by ultrasound
Virtual medical evaluations by ultrasound
- Examen de ultrasonido transoceánico asistido por robot a una persona que estaba en otro lugar
- Robot-assisted transoceanic ultrasound examination on a person who was elsewhere
Gráfico de la forma como se realiza una ecografía transoceánica asistida por robot (Fotografía cortesía del Monte Sinaí).
In the United States, a computer is being used to perform a robot-assisted transoceanic ultrasound examination on a person who was elsewhere (MedImaging, 2014; Mount Sinai, 2014). In Sweden it was also shown how a virtual consultation, through video with a cardiologist, combined with a robot-assisted remote echocardiogram examination, can drastically reduce the waiting time for the diagnosis faced by patients with heart failure, who live within rural communities away from a hospital, from almost four months to less than a month. These research studies were published in the August 2014 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology-Imaging. "The two studies give us an idea of what we can expect in the near future: a patient-friendly imaging technology at home," said Jagat Narula, MD, PhD, lead author of both research studies and director of the study. Center for Cardiovascular Imaging at Mount Sinai and associate dean of global research at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (New York, NY, USA).
Referencias / References:
MedImaging. (2014). Nuevo método proporciona evaluaciones virtuales por ultrasonido. Recuperado de https://www.medimaging.es/ultrasonido/articles/294754710/nuevo-metodo-proporciona-evaluaciones-virtuales-por-ultrasonido.html
Mount Sinai. (2014). Robotic-Assisted Ultrasound Imaging: From Trans-Atlantic Evaluation to Help in Day-to-Day Practice. Recuperado de https://www.mountsinai.org/about/newsroom/2014/roboticassisted-ultrasound-imaging-from-transatlantic-evaluation-to-help-in-daytoday-practice
Cómo citar este artículo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2014). "Evaluaciones médicas virtuales por ultrasonido". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de http://nabbublog.blogspot.com/2014/09/evaluaciones-medicas-virtuales-por.html
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2014). "Virtual medical evaluations by ultrasound". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from