Audífonos que funcionan con energía producida desde los oídos / Hearing aids that work with energy produced from the ears
Audífonos que funcionan con energía producida desde los oídos
Hearing aids that work with energy produced from the ears
Hearing aids that work with energy produced from the ears
Audífonos que funcionan con esta pequeña cantidad de energía producida en la cóclea por el ruido externo
- Hearing aids that work with this small amount of energy produced in the cochlea by external noise
They are not for musical purposes, this hearing aids that work with this small amount of energy produced in the cochlea by external noise are intended for medical devices, such as sensors or hearing aids for diagnosis, were tested tested in the ear of a guinea pig and were active for 5 hours, this device was created by researchers from Harvard Medical School (Jiménez de Luis, 2013; Ferguson, 2012).
Ferguson, W. (2012). "Batteries not required, just plug into ear cells". En NewScientist. Recuperado de
Jiménez de Luis, A. (2013). "El audífono del futuro funcionará con la energía de las orejas". En Gizmodo. Recuperado de
Cómo citar este artículo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "Audífonos que funcionan con energía producida desde los oídos". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "Hearing aids that work with energy produced from the ears". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from