Solución acústica de bajo costo / Low cost acoustic solution
Solución acústica de bajo costo
Low cost acoustic solution
Low cost acoustic solution
- En Argentina, ingenieros de IBTA, proponen un nuevo tipo de acondicionamiento acústico
- In Argentina, IBTA engineers propose a new type of acoustic conditioning
IGLESIA NUESTRA SEÑORA DE LA PAZ. La lana de vidrio se colocó sobre
listones de madera, dejando una cámara de aire entre la solución
acústica y el techo existente.
In Argentina, IBTA engineers propose a new type of acoustic conditioning and isolation ends for the church Our Lady of Peace, in Pilar, this church had an average reverberation time of 4 [s], for this the engineer Fernando del Solar Dorrego, specialist in architectural acoustics and teacher of the ITBA made a diagnosis of the situation at the request of the priest priest. "According to the measurements we made, the reverberation time was 4 seconds. It was not understood what a person spoke five meters away, "says the consultant. To avoid the sound "bouncing" in the environment it was necessary to generate absorbent surfaces, for this the roof was covered with glass wool and wood, the reverberation time could be reduced to 1.4 [s] "The glass wool absorbs the sound in a high percentage, especially in the frequency of the content of the spoken word, and at the same time it is thermal insulation ", explains Del Solar Dorrego, who worked in conjunction with the engineer Pablo Gardella and the student Bautista Arenaza (Baldo, 2016, Télam, 2015).
Baldo, P. (2016). "Solución acústica a bajo costo para una iglesia de Pilar". En Clarin. Recuperado de
Télam. (2015). Reverberación, un problema que suele afectar auditorios, salas de espectáculos y templos. Recuperado de
Cómo citar este artículo:
Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "Solución acústica de bajo costo". En NabbuBlog. Recuperado de
How to cite this article:
Nocetti, F.A. (2015). "Low cost acoustic solution". In NabbuBlog. Retrieved from